LTSS Accreditation

Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary of Lenoir-Rhyne University is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) in the United States and Canada, 10 Summit Park Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15275-1103, 412.788.6505,

In 2021, LTSS had its accreditation reaffirmed for the maximum 10-year term.

LTSS Statement of Educational Effectiveness

Completion Rates of 2018-2019 Graduating Class

  • 100% of graduates in the Master of Divinity (MDiv) program completed the degree in 3 years (11 students; does not include year-long ELCA-required internship).
  • 100% of graduates in the Master of Arts in Christian Ministry (MACM) program completed the degree in 2 years (1 student).
  • There were no Master of Theological Studies (MTS) students in the class of 2019.

Candidacy Rates of 2018-19 Graduating Class

  • 67% of ELCA MDiv graduates were approved for Word & Sacrament ordination by the time of graduation (6 students). 75% of those same graduates received a first call within six months.
  • 0% of MACM students were approved for Word & Service ordination (1 student).

Graduating Student Questionnaire Data

The GSQ is written by the Association of Theological School to measure educational effectiveness in numerous areas. The scale of student response ranges from 5 (“very effective”) to 1 (“not at all effective”).

Educational Effectiveness in Personal Growth Areas 2019 2018
Empathy for the poor and oppressed 4.3 4.6
Concern about social justice 4.3 4.6
Insight into troubles of others 4.1 4.4
Respect for other religious traditions 4.0 4.2
Respect for my own religious tradition 4.2 4.2
Educational Effectiveness in Facilitating Skill Areas 2019 2018
Ability to use and interpret scripture 4.6 3.6
Knowledge of church doctrine and history 4.4 4.3
Ability to work effectively within my own religious tradition 4.1 4.1
Ability to work effectively with both men and women 4.5 4.4
Ability to relate social issues to faith 4.4 4.3
Top Categories of Satisfaction with School Services & Resources 2019 2018
Accessibility of faculty 4.4 3.6
Class size 4.3 4.1
Ease in scheduling required courses 4.5 4.4
Access to library collection 4.5 4.4
Adequacy of library collection 4.5 4.3
Bottom Categories of Satisfaction with School Services and Resources 2019 2018
School website and internet-based resources 2.4 2.4
School’s technology (IT) resources 2.3 2.5
Career/vocational counseling 2.8 3.2
Student debt and finance counseling 2.8 2.9
Health and wellness program 2.4 2.9
Overall Experience During Theological Program 2019 2018
Faculty were supportive and understanding 3.8 4.3
My personal faith has been respected 3.8 3.9
I know at least one faculty member well 4.3 4.4
I have been able to integrate theology and practice of ministry 4 4.4
I have come to know students from other racial, ethnic and cultural groups 4 4.5
I have made good friends here 3.9 4.3
Kim Bryant

I am grateful for the preparation for ministry and the knowledge we need to serve. The challenges of the courses gave us additional insight and improved our understanding of what it means to serve.

Kim Bryant, MACM '21

News & Events

In front of red backdrop with LR logo visible, two female students hold out Bears Say Thanks stickers to foreground

Lenoir-Rhyne celebrates the success of Giving Tuesday, an annual global giving movement for the causes and organizations we care most about.

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Procession with the cross into Christ Chapel

LTSS faculty, staff, alumni, students and friends shared memories and looked ahead as they gathered at the decommissioning service for the Columbia campus.

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